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A wonderful weekend with Cherry Crumble
Cherry Crumble
Oct 30, 2021
Kids grow up fast. We all have rooted for nights where we as mothers can get some peace & most importantly some sleep! Often more than not, we have these moments that turn into a memory. Last weekend was one those weekends where I felt relaxed & at peace after a very long while.
As we feel a growing nip in the air, I had ordered a couple of layers for my kids. I wanted to buy them jackets but the elder one insisted on buying a sequins dress instead! And my, oh my! The timing of the package couldn’t get any better. Needless to say that it arrived sooner than I had expected. As I was fast asleep on Friday morning, both of them had already opened the package & sworn to try them on the same day. My little one even wanted to get clicked wearing these.
Luckily, I managed to capture a couple of the shots both of them. I love these! The quality of clothing was fantastic. To my surprise, the sequins dress was soft & did not give any rashes to my elder one while the lilac sweater is perfect for fall!
I ordered it from The navigation was easy & what I found interesting was their attention to detailing. Both of the outfits are great & would definitely recommend Cherry Crumble to other moms as well.
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